
The class contains the basic API functions

GET api/Boiler/Search?category={category}&q={q}&manufacture={manufacture}&model={model}&type={type}

This function provides the ability to search and filter through the FGO+ database

GET api/Boiler/All

This function get all details of all boilers

GET api/Boiler/All?manufacture={manufacture}

This function get all details of all boiler, but can be filtered on manufacture

GET api/Boiler/Manufactures?q={q}

Gets a list of boiler manufactures, optionally filtered by the specified search query.

GET api/Boiler/Models?manufacture={manufacture}&q={q}

Gets a list of boiler models for the specified manufacturer, optionally filtered by the specified search query.

GET api/Boiler/Types?manufacture={manufacture}&model={model}&q={q}

Gets a list of boiler types for the specified manufacturer and model, optionally filtered by the specified search query.

GET api/Boiler/List

This function get a list of all boilers

GET api/Boiler/List?manufacture={manufacture}

This function get a list of all boilers

GET api/Boiler/Details?productId={productId}

This function get all details of a boiler by its unique product GUID

GET api/Boiler/Details?manufacturerGLN={manufacturerGLN}&productcode={productcode}

This function get all details of a boiler by its unique manufacturerGLN and product code combination

GET api/Boiler/CheckPropertyMinMax?manufacturerGLN={manufacturerGLN}&productcode={productcode}&propertyId={propertyId}&propertyValue={propertyValue}

Returns true if propertyValue is between property min and property max